
Which User Characteristic May Not Be Used To Change Keyword Bids In Google Ads

1. What Are Google Shopping Ads?

Google Shopping Ads, or Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are product-based ads that show upwardly for product searches across Google and Google Shopping.

google shopping ads example

Product Listing Ads include:

  • Product Epitome
  • Toll
  • Brand

Additional information can exist layered into the ad, including:

  • Reviews
  • Shipping Data
  • Promotions

Google Shopping Ads can be an incredibly effective marketing aqueduct (one of our clients additional revenue by over 223% through Shopping) because you tin reach shopper specific-search queries with clickable images at the very summit of the search results (in a higher place organic results).

While Google Shopping Campaigns have been around for some time, Google has added powerful capabilities over the years, such equally Showcase Shopping, Local Inventory Ads, Smart Shopping campaigns, new smart bidding strategies, and more.

google showcase shopping ads

New Shopping features and inventory, like Showcase Shopping ads, have added powerful capabilities that enable yous to accomplish shoppers at all stages of the buyer's journey.

To become started with creating Shopping Ads, you'll demand to ready a product feed that connects with your Google Merchant Center, a process that dynamically integrates your catalog inventory with Google's Shopping platform.

"What nosotros're seeing is Google making meaning updates to the platform to exist more focused on client business organisation goals and the customer journey. New ad formats and features will offer greater support for discovery, consideration, and conversion initiatives."

mike woj

— Mike Wojciechowski, Senior Director of Shopping & Feed at Tinuiti

Whether yous are a veteran Google Shopping advertiser or a newcomer, your Shopping ads performance will depend on your ability to dial in three primal areas:

  1. Product Feed Optimization
  2. Targeting & Bidding Strategy
  3. Campaign Structure

google shopping flywheel

We'll cover each in this guide and provide additional tips to help yous stand up out against the competition later on we cover Google Smart Shopping campaigns and the Merchant Center.

2. What Are Google Smart Shopping Campaigns?

Smart Shopping campaigns are a variant of the Google Shopping Ads with the goal to simplify advertising on Google Ads by using automated bidding, creative ad customizations, and advert placements based on Google's machine learning.

smart shopping example

Source: Google

Smart Shopping campaigns feature both Product Shopping ads and display ads (including remarketing ads and Similar Audiences), which are eligible to appear on the Google Search Network, Display Network, YouTube, and Gmail.

Smart Shopping gives businesses with smaller bandwidth (equally well equally advertisers with big catalogs) the ability to generate product listing ads with minimal assets and input required.

Over the years, nosotros've seen Google'due south automobile learning become more than effective in how information technology optimizes and streamlines campaign operation, but there are caveats to using Google Shopping.

Smart Shopping Pros and Cons: Scale vs. Command

The impact of Smart Shopping advances are two-fold: they present new opportunities to scale advertizement campaigns— but they also limit your control as an advertiser.

Some ways that automation features tin do good advertisers:

  • Smart shopping can streamline advertising copy and artistic deployment
  • Product feeds benefit from automated workflows and tin save valuable fourth dimension
    spent categorizing products
  • Smart bidding rules tin be scaled across thousands of products and campaigns

With that in heed, brands should look to Google'south new tools for opportunities to streamline functioning, but under the circumspection that there is never a one-size-fits-all solution.

Brands should also be mindful of the "learning phase" that is required for automated Smart Shopping campaigns to evangelize operation — the more data and time your smart campaigns take to learn, the improve the operation volition go in the long-run.

Google will likely refine automatic tools in the year ahead, and then advertisers should be aware of how these changes touch performance, and to always have a human
chemical element to monitor and guide the campaigns rather than placing them on autopilot.

3. How to Set Up Google Shopping Ads

If you're new to Google Shopping Ads, here'south a rundown of the steps required to get your start campaigns upwards and running.

Prepare your Merchant Heart Business relationship

To get started with your first Shopping Ad campaigns, you lot'll first need to ready your Google Merchant Center which you volition use to upload your catalog and product feed to integrate with your Google Ads business relationship.

You can gear up your Merchant Middle business relationship on Google'due south Merchant website hither.

Create, upload, and maintain your shopping product feed

After yous've created a Merchant Centre account, it's fourth dimension to log in and create your shopping feed.

Your product feed acts as a detailed list of your product catalog in an Excel-similar format that will communicate to Google what products tin can be served in your Shopping Ad campaigns.

You can create your product feed inside Google Merchant Middle.

Keep in mind that a stiff product feed is essential to Shopping success.

For a complete list of optimizations we recommend taking for your product feed, read on to the side by side section of this guide or bank check out 8 Google Shopping Product Feed Optimizations You Should Make At present.

Gear up your Shopping campaign in Google Ads

In one case you have your Merchant Center account and production feeds created, you are now ready to create your first Shopping ads (or Product Listing Ads).

set up google shopping campaign

Once you accept your Merchant Center account and production feed completed, setting up your first Shopping campaign in Google Ads is easy.

Here's how to ready up your Google Shopping Advert entrada:

  1. Open up up Google Ads
  2. Create a new campaign (the large plus sign)
  3. Select your goal (in nearly cases this will be Sales)
  4. Select Shopping equally your campaign type
  5. Select your linked Merchant Center account and the country associated with that business relationship (at the very lesser)
  6. Prepare your upkeep, targeting, bidding, and campaign adjustments on the post-obit page
  7. Save, ostend your settings, and launch

google shopping funnel priorities

4. How to Optimize Your Production Feed

Your product feed is at the center of your Google Shopping campaigns; it's how y'all communicate your inventory and product data and so that your Product Listing Ads brandish for relevant shopper search queries.

"Y'all want titles and descriptions in your production feed that accurately draw your product and that are too relevant to wide search queries."

— Stephen Kerner, Director at Tinuiti

You tin can optimize your production feed for Google'southward Shopping algorithm by:google product listing ad pla

1. Organizing your feed content co-ordinate to Google'due south specifications.

two. Optimizing product titles so they are search engine friendly.

3. Using longtail and short tail keywords in titles and descriptions to rank for
important queries.

4. Leveraging product extensions and Merchant Promotions for increased
visibility and click-through.

five. Making sure images are high-quality.

half dozen. Setting up product groups for campaign sectionalization.

7. Setting up Shopping Deportment for specific products so that they tin can surface
across Shopping (Google Limited, Vocalization, etc.

5. All-time Ways To Organize Shopping Ads Entrada Construction

About retail brands want to maximize their product's exposure for top-converting search queries while decreasing spend for unprofitable ones.

Although yous can't target keywords directly with Google Shopping, you lot tin can leverage negative keyword lists in an alternative campaign and and then apply the priority settings so that searches funnel into the right campaign.

At Tinuiti, nosotros implement an "isolation" strategy to brand the most out of each Google Shopping Advertizing campaign. This ways we use priority settings and negative keywords to isolate and push button aggressive bids and budget to high-value searches.

Yous tin can use priority settings and negative keywords to segment your Google Shopping campaigns.

Dividing campaigns and using product groupings volition give you greater control over your listings, bids, and enable you to target every function of the Google Shopping funnel. Take a wait at the example below.

Dividing campaigns and using product groupings will give you greater control over your listings, bids, and priorities.

"You tin can build awareness, drive traffic, acquire new customers, and retarget those customers with Shopping. Knowing what performance each function of the funnel can drive with ISO campaigns is critical for managing a full-funnel approach to Shopping," explains Kerner.

If you lot want to learn more most Google Shopping entrada organization, check out our in-depth look at How to Target Every Part of the Shopping Funnel.

vi. Google Ads Smart Bidding Strategies

Google has strongly urged advertisers to implement automated bidding strategies for several years now. Major updates and improvements in Google's motorcar learning has helped these smart bidding strategies finally hitting their pace in 2018.

"Smart bidding strategies have get much more sophisticated over the years. We've seen performance improve and know that these bidding options volition only become more of import in the years to come so information technology's fourth dimension to kickoff using them to your reward and get comfortable with them now rather than subsequently."

— Josh Brisco, VP of Growth Media

Google'south smart bidding features also enable you to:

Analyze dozens of different signals and context clues to tailor bids to each user'south unique account.

Provide agile control over operation controls to direct your behest functioning based on the attribution model y'all choose.

Provide custom reports and updates that permit you to understand what'southward going on with your bidding strategies.

It's important to recognize that sure bidding strategies fit different marketing objectives, meaning there's no one-size-fits-all behest method.

At that place are many different Google Smart behest strategies so we won't cover all of them here, merely we want to smoothen a lite on two smart bidding strategies that take performed well for our growth-focused Shopping campaigns: Target CPA and Target ROAS.

Target Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) Bidding

Target CPA is a smart (automated) bidding strategy that adjusts bids to get as many conversions as possible given your target CPA.

Considering you set Target CPA at the ad group level, this works well when you have advert groups with tight, highly organized advert group themes.
It uses your historical CPA information along with real-time contextual data to adjust for the optimal bid for an acquisition.

"For Target CPA to perform best for each product, it's important to break out your Shopping campaigns by product margin," explains Brisco.

Target CPA can be groovy if yous:

  • Want to scale Shopping volume as efficiently as possible
  • Prefer to manage bids at the ad group level rather than keyword level
  • Have limited resource and clear CPA targets

Target Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) Behest

Target ROAS is a smart bidding strategy that attempts to get as much conversion value as possible at the target return on ad spend that y'all fix.

This automated bidding strategy is great for those looking to meliorate ROAS efficiency across their Shopping campaigns.

Like Target CPA, Google volition apply signals from your historical data likewise as real-time contextual data to reach the ROAS targets for your campaign.
This maximizes efficiency at the toll of lower volume and possibly a decrease in revenue.

Target ROAS can be peachy if you:

  • Need a quick ROAS turnaround
  • Have inefficient Shopping PLA campaigns

"One matter to be careful for when switching to an automatic bid strategy is over-generalization. Nosotros've noticed that when a loftier volume of products are housed in a campaign sharing a Target CPA or ROAS, Google may distribute traffic disproportionately."

— Adam Harms, Senior Paid Media Manager at Tinuiti

"This isn't always a problem, since Google frequently still hits your goal, merely you lot could be missing out on additional opportunities if y'all don't give other products a gamble to breathe with a diversified campaign structure."

You can bank check out our full rundown on Google Smart Bidding beneath.

google ads smart bidding guide

vii. Google Shopping Actions

Google Shopping Actions allows online shoppers to a brand's products on multiple Google surfaces, and eventually purchase them using a universal shopping cart and instant checkout.

The order is and so shipped straight to the customer. Google is promoting this as a streamlined, frictionless shopping experience for the user–and it is, as long as yous carefully consider your approach. Shopping Actions works on a pay per sale model.

shopping actions

Under Shopping Actions, Google will handle sales, support and returns, but you lot will withal be responsible for fulfillment–and that fulfillment must still integrate with OMS.

"The coexistence of Google Shopping Ads and Google Shopping Actions units will be very interesting to lookout over the coming holiday and year alee," says Wojciechowski.

"At the cease of the day, if brands can still build awareness and engagement through more upper-funnel formats, will they care that they are sending some of their traffic to checkout on Google (with what is likely to exist a better CVR than their website)?"

"Ultimately merchants demand to counterbalance the pros and cons for Deportment and make up one's mind if it's worth being an early adopter."

For more information on how to get started and manage Shopping Deportment, check out 9 Ways You Tin Ameliorate the Performance of Your Shopping Actions Programme.

eight. 7 Advanced Google Shopping Ad Strategies

ane. Layer in remarketing with RLSA campaigns

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs) allow yous to target people that have previously been to your site, past purchasers, or audiences that take
interacted with your business concern in one form or another.

They offer a powerful opportunity for driving lower funnel conversions and repeat

"Conversion rates are essentially higher for audiences that are familiar with your brand or accept been to your site when compared to normal users. If you desire to focus on the users backside the searches and non but the keywords themselves — that'due south where RLSA becomes valuable."

— Nick Manessis, Senior Managing director of Growth Media at Tinuiti

When potential customers go out a site, remarketing lists help retailers connect with those shoppers while they continue to search for what
they need on Google.

Yous tin read a full list of ways to optimize your RLSA Targeting in 7 Avant-garde Google Ads RLSA Tactics Yous Should Exist Using.

Note: Make certain yous accept global sitewide tagging installed on your website.

To make total utilize of data collected for your remarketing initiatives, you'll desire to ensure that you lot are correctly tracking all sitewide beliefs and conversions with Google'southward new sitewide tag.

2. Target new visitors with Similar Audiences

With Like Audiences, you lot can attract new visitors to your site by finding people who have similar search and/or browsing behavior to your existing remarketing list members.

"Similar audiences are great for finding other audiences similar to your best-performing users. This helps hone down that broader audience to users who lucifer our past buyers' online personas," says Harms.

By adding Similar Audiences to your campaign or ad group targeting, you tin show your ads to people whose search beliefs is similar to those of your site visitors. These people are more likely to be potential customers.

What are the Benefits of Like Audiences for Shopping?

  • Simplified audience targeting – Like audiences targeting takes the guesswork out of discovering new audiences past automatically finding potential customers who are similar to people are your existing remarketing lists for search ads.
  • Getting new potential customers – With similar audiences, you tin can boost the accomplish of existing remarketing campaigns, and drive to your site new, more qualified users who have an increased likelihood of performing actions that are important to you.

Even if these like audiences don't immediately buy from your site, if yous've added the remarketing tag to your site, they'll be added to your remarketing list.

iii. Leverage your Customer Lucifer data

Customer Match allows yous to upload your customer phone numbers and email address lists into Google Ads.

From these email lists, retailers tin can build campaigns/ads specifically designed touse targeted advertisement to reach their audience.

"The ability to add phone number and mailing address data for Client Match can be incredibly useful if yous accept a catalog-based business with tons of phone numbers and mailing addresses."

dianne manansala

— Dianne Manansala, Senior Manager of Growth Media at Tinuiti

Benefits of Client Friction match:

  • Up-selling and cross-selling based on by purchases and
    buying habits
  • Promoting repeat purchases from previous customers
  • Increasing brand loyalty with previous customers
  • Targeting cart abandonments via ads and Google Shopping
  • Re-engaging already loyal customers as they're using Google Shopping
  • Re-marketing strategies in general

Customer Lucifer is dandy at letting advertisers strop in on their highest-value audiences with the most potential.

On the Google Shopping platform, advertisers can even use Customer Friction match to accommodate bids and tailor products/messaging for different segments of previous customers.

Although Google Customer Lucifer is designed to help retailers reach their "highest-value customers" past strengthening connections with your known client base onGoogle Search, it also helps retailers forge new relationships across other channels including YouTube TrueView & Gmail Native Ads.

Click hither to learn more virtually the expanded Customer Match program for phone numbers and addresses.

4. Include Geo-targeting modifiers

We as well recommend getting more aggressive with geo-targeting modifiers for your Google Shopping ad campaigns.

Geography-based bid changes or modifiers is a characteristic that allows advertisers to modify bid percentages based on locations.

Keep the following things in mind when setting up Geo bid modifiers for Google Shopping Campaigns:

  • Decide what regions you desire to target based on your site, audience and operation goals.
  • Consider segmenting for online and brick and mortar locations.
  • Notation customer intent based on location (remember location and targeting intent tin can be combined).
  • Apply mobile ads for customers close to stores which can exist redeemed in-store.
  • Delve into Analytics data, and Google Ads dimensions reports (Geographic written report, location report, custom columns to reflect
    company data).
  • Avert setting location to the unabridged US to limit click spend.
  • Remove unwanted locations. Exclude areas which don't improve ROI and increment click-through.

Depending on your situation, you might want to go fifty-fifty more granular past drilling down to the metropolis/cypher code level if you haven't already.

5. Get competitive with Auction Insights

With more advertisers putting more spend into Shopping than ever before, information technology'due south of import to know exactly when impression shares begin to rise.

Our experts leverage Google'due south Auction Insights to compare their performance with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions every bit them.

auction insights google shopping

This type of information can help retailers make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting choices by showing specifically where they are succeeding and where they may exist missing opportunities for improved performance.

"We recommend checking in on Auction Insights monthly or fifty-fifty weekly if you're in a highly competitive space. Often, when all else is equal (CPCs, clicks, avg. position, etc.), simply conversion rate or CTR are dropping off, competition is likely the variable causing change."

michael ward

— Michael Ward, Senior Manager of Growth Media at Tinuiti

"New competitors will take your traffic quickly in Shopping, peculiarly if they have better pricing."

These reports are vital because yous can encounter the impression share of your competitors and what the overlap rate is.

Yous can even break out sale insights by campaign, device blazon, branded vs. non-branded impression share, price and profit margin.

Apply them to review when your contest has started ramping up bids in Shopping by seeing when impression share starts to bound.

vi. Reach more mobile Shoppers with Showcase Shopping ads

While many marketers tend to retrieve of Shopping as a revenue driver for capturing and converting demand, y'all also tin target upper-funnel search queries using Google Showcase Shopping Ads.

showcase shopping ad google

The main goal of Google Showcase Shopping Ads is to aid shoppers with non-branded searches explore and detect what they want to buy and where they want to purchase information technology.

"Showcase Shopping Ads should be used in whatever account where growth is a priority," says Brisco.

"There are an increasing number of queries for which only the Showcase format is served, and if the campaign is not running, a retailer will lose out on those potential impressions, and thus customers."

Google Showcase Shopping ads are shoppable ads that appear at the tiptop of the Google Search when a user searches for wide, loftier book keywords on mobile devices.

This is important when you consider that more than than 40% of shopping-related searches on Google are for broad terms like "women's athletic clothing" or "living room furniture."

If you want to learn more, check out v Tips for Google Showcase Shopping Ads.

7. Include Merchant Promotions with your Shopping ads

Merchant promotions can make a large impact on your Shopping campaign functioning, particularly when yous are upwardly against Amazon and Prime shipping.

Merchant Promotions – besides known as special offers – give retailers an opportunity to highlight their products and better their chances of click-through rate and conversion.

merchant promotions google shopping

Online advertisers can feature coupons or promotions right in the search alongside their product or store information on Google'south PLA filigree.

Benefits of using Merchant Promotions include:

  • Acquisition – Retailers tin can heave their click-through-charge per unit past highlighting listings.
  • Conversion – Increase conversions by giving shoppers a reason to buy now.
  • Cost – No extra charge for including promotions with Product Listing Ads

Recommended Google Product Listing Ad Merchant Promotions:

  1. Gratis shipping
  2. Lowering the free shipping threshold
  3. Buy one, get one or Buy 1, get i 50% Off
  4. Tiered pct discounts (Example: 5% Off Orders of $fifty, 10% Off Orders of $100 or more)
  5. Make-specific rebates (Example: Ane for each brand, sponsored by the manufacturer)

ix. Final Takeaway

Google Shopping Ads can be a highly effective aqueduct for generating revenue for any retailer, particularly with the advances in Smart bidding and targeting tools, improved inventory (like Showcase) and other features that can amend the bear upon of your Shopping campaigns.

All the same, the ROI of your Shopping ad campaigns depends on your ability to exam and optimize everything from your product feed to your structure and targeting.

The success of your Shopping initiatives will improve if you take a test & learn approach to principal the post-obit three areas:

  1. Product Feed Optimization
  2. Targeting & Behest Strategy
  3. Campaign Structure

If yous desire to see an example of Shopping success, check out some of our Shopping instance studies.

shopping case studies


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