How Should You Change This Image To Represent An Ionic Bond Between Sodium And Fluorine?
Structure of Organic Compounds
Robert J. Ouellette , J. David Rawn , in Principles of Organic Chemical science, 2015
Ionic Bonds
Ionic bonds class between two or more than atoms by the transfer of i or more electrons betwixt atoms. Electron transfer produces negative ions called anions and positive ions called cations. These ions attract each other.
Let'south examine the ionic bail in sodium chloride. A sodium atom, which has 11 protons and xi electrons, has a unmarried valence electron in its 3s subshell. A chlorine atom, which has 17 protons and 17 electrons, has vii valence electrons in its 3rd shell, represented every bit 3stwo3p5. In forming an ionic bail, the sodium atom, which is electropositive, loses its valence electron to chlorine. The resulting sodium ion has the same electron configuration as neon (ls22s22p6) and has a + i charge, because there are eleven protons in the nucleus, but merely 10 electrons virtually the nucleus of the ion.
The chlorine atom, which has a high electronegativity, gains an electron and is converted into a chloride ion that has the aforementioned electron configuration as argon (lstwo2stwo2p63s23p6). The chloride ion has a −i charge because there are 17 protons in the nucleus, but in that location are xviii electrons about the nucleus of the ion. The formation of sodium chloride from the sodium and chlorine atoms tin can be shown past Lewis structures. Lewis structures stand for only the valence electrons; electron pairs are shown equally pairs of dots.
Note that by convention, the consummate octet is shown for anions formed from electronegative elements. However, the filled outer trounce of cations that results from loss of electrons past electropositive elements is not shown.
Metals are electropositive and tend to lose electrons, whereas nonmetals are electronegative and tend to gain electrons. A metal atom loses ane or more than electrons to course a cation with an octet. The same number of electrons are accepted past the advisable number of atoms of a nonmetal to course an octet in the anion, producing an ionic chemical compound. In general, ionic compounds event from combinations of metal elements, located on the left side of the periodic table, with nonmetals, located on the upper correct side of the periodic tabular array.
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Structure and Bonding in Organic Compounds
Robert J. Ouellette , J. David Rawn , in Organic Chemical science (Second Edition), 2018
Ionic Bonds
Ionic bonds are formed betwixt ii or more atoms by the transfer of one or more electrons betwixt atoms. Electron transfer produces negative ions called anions and positive ions called cations. Ionic substances exist as crystalline solids. When the solid dissolves, the ions dissociate and can lengthened freely in solution.
Sodium chloride is an instance of an ionic solid. A sodium cantlet, which has 11 protons and 11 electrons, has a unmarried valence electron in its 3s subshell. A chlorine atom, which has 17 protons and 17 electrons, has 7 valence electrons in its third shell, represented as 3stwo3p5. In forming an ionic bond, the sodium atom, which is electropositive, loses its valence electron to chlorine. The resulting sodium ion has the same electron configuration as neon (1s2 2s22pvi). It has a + one accuse, because at that place are 11 protons in the nucleus, merely only x electrons around the nucleus of the ion. The chlorine atom, which has a high electronegativity, gains an electron and is converted into a chloride ion that has the same electron configuration equally argon (1sii 2s22phalf dozen 3sii3phalf-dozen). The chloride ion has a − ane charge considering there are 17 protons in the nucleus, only there are eighteen electrons around the nucleus of the ion.
In the crystal structure, each sodium ion is surrounded by 6 chloride ions and each chloride ion is surrounded by half-dozen sodium ions. Each ion has a consummate electron shell that corresponds to the nearest inert gas; neon for a sodium ion, argon for a chloride ion (Effigy 1.iv).
Effigy 1.4. Sodium Chloride Crystal
In the ionic solid, sodium chloride, each sodium ion is surrounded by 6 chloride ions and each chloride ion is surrounded by half-dozen sodium ions.
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Geochemistry | Soil, Major Inorganic Components☆
Hans van der Jagt , in Encyclopedia of Belittling Scientific discipline (Third Edition), 2019
Formation of ionic bond
An ionic bond tin can exist formed after two or more than atoms loss or gain electrons to grade an ion. Ionic bonds occur between metals, losing electrons, and nonmetals, gaining electrons. Ions with contrary charges volition attract one another creating an ionic bond. Such bonds are stronger than hydrogen bonds, but similar in forcefulness to covalent bonds.
In an ionic bond, the atoms are spring by allure of reverse ions, whereas in a covalent bond, atoms are leap by sharing electrons. In covalent bonding, the geometry around each atom is determined by valence vanquish electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR rules), whereas in ionic materials, the geometry follows maximum packing rules. Thus, a compound can be classified as ionic or covalent based on the geometry of the atoms. It only occurs if the overall energy change for the reaction is favorable (the bonded atoms have a lower energy than the free ones). The larger the free energy alter the stronger the bail. Pure ionic bonding doesnot happen with existent atoms. All bonds have a small amount of covalence. The larger the departure in electro negativity the more ionic the bond. Impression of two ions (for example [Na]+ and [Cl]−) forming an ionic bond. Electron orbital generally does not overlap (i.eastward., Molecular orbital is not formed), considering each of the ions reached the lowest energy land, and the bond is based merely (ideally) on the electrostatic interactions between positive and negative ions. Many ionic solids are soluble in h2o, although not all. It depends on whether there are big plenty attractions betwixt the water molecules and the ions to overcome the attractions between the ions themselves. Positive ions are attracted to the ion pairs on water molecules and coordinate (dative covalent) bonds may form. Water molecules grade hydrogen bonds with negative ions.
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Review of Bones Organic Chemistry
Eric Stauffer , ... Reta Newman , in Fire Debris Analysis, 2008
3.two.2 Ionic Bonds
An ionic bail is formed by the complete transfer of some electrons from one atom to another. The atom losing one or more electrons becomes a cation—a positively charged ion. The atom gaining one or more than electron becomes an anion—a negatively charged ion. When the transfer of electrons occurs, an electrostatic attraction betwixt the ii ions of opposite charge takes place and an ionic bond is formed.
A common salt such as sodium chloride (NaCl) is a practiced case of a molecule with ionic bonding (see Figure iii-3). The diminutive number of the chemical element sodium (Na) is eleven, meaning that a sodium cantlet possesses xi protons and 11 electrons. Its electronic configuration is 1stwo 2s2 2p6 3sone. In this state, in that location is only one electron in the valence vanquish. The trend is for sodium to lose an electron so that the new resulting valence shell (2) is in its well-nigh stable state (full octet). This loss of an electron results in the ionization of sodium, to course the positively charged ion Na+.
FIGURE 3-iii. Schematic representation of the principle of ionic bonds with the example of sodium chloride. Note that only valence orbitals are shown and that the valence orbital of Na in NaCl is shown in dash line to reflect the fact that it no longer exists due to an absence of electrons.
The other atom of the salt is chlorine (Cl), which has the atomic number 17, and the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5. This configuration shows that the chlorine atom has 7 electrons in its valence shell. Its trend is to option up an electron to form an octet, thus completing its third crush. In doing so, chlorine becomes the negatively charged ion Cl–. Because of the propensity of sodium to lose an electron and of chlorine to gain an electron, the elements are well suited to bail with 1 another. This transfer of electrons results in the formation of the ionic bail property Na+ and Cl– together. Ionic bonding is very common in inorganic chemistry but is encountered much less often in organic chemistry.
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Properties of nanomaterials
Muhammad Rafique , ... Aqsa Tehseen , in Chemistry of Nanomaterials, 2020
four.ii.1.1 Ionic bonds
In ionic bonds, the complete transfer of i or more electrons occurs between the donor and acceptor elements. There are few factors that cause the formation of ionic bonds; one of them is the large differences in electronegativity of atoms, which attract other atoms for the transfer of their electrons. This chemical interaction of electrons creates a strong bonding betwixt the atoms as compared to other types of bonds. For instance, in the case of Sodium chloride (NaCl) or Potassium chloride (KCl), an electron is transferred between the donor (Na) and acceptor (Cl). Every bit a outcome, an Na +Cl− table salt is formed as shown in Fig. iv.2. A large amount of energy is required to transfer the electrons from the sodium to the chlorine atom. Afterward the transfer of electrons, sodium loses 3 due south electrons and becomes sodium ions (Na+), while the chlorine element gains an electron and becomes chlorine ions (Cl−) [viii].
Effigy 4.2. Ionic bonding between sodium and chlorine atoms.
Reprinted from E. Stauffer, J. A. Dolan, R. Newman, Review of basic organic chemistry, Fire Droppings Assay (2008) 49–83, Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier.In nanotechnology, pure electrostatic interactions of electrons betwixt ionized atoms such as salts (NaCl) are of less involvement. As compared to salts, poly ions every bit well as molecular ions are of great interest in this field. Macromolecules have a large corporeality of parallel functional groups, so when these macromolecules are ionized then polyionic macromolecules are formed. When polyionic macromolecules interact with small-scale oppositely charged ions, stable multiple sparse layers are formed as a event. Electrostatic bonds, surface charges, and electrostatic repulsion are necessary for the functioning of nanoparticles, micelles, and macromolecules in the liquid phase. Moreover, past decision-making the surface charges nosotros tin create and stabilize nanoheterogeneous systems [vii,8]
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Bimolecular reactions in solutions Influence of medium
E.T. Denisov , ... Thou.I. Likhtenshtein , in Chemic Kinetics: Fundamentals and New Developments, 2003
6.5 Reactions of ions
Compounds with the ionic bond (salts) that course in the solid land the ion crystalline lattice dissociate to ions. Being dissolved, acids and bases undergo consummate or partial dissociation where a noticeable chemical interaction of ions with solvents occurs. Each ion in the solvent, e.g., in water, is surrounded by the dense solvate shell of polar molecules. This crush appears due to the ion-dipole interaction. Solvation is manifested, first, in that the dissolution of a common salt in H 2O is accompanied by a decrease in the book and, second, liberation of a great corporeality of heat. This is seen from the ΔH values where the ion from the gas stage is transferred to an aqueous solution (ΔH Li + = ΔH F−, ΔH in kJ/mol)
H+ | Li+ | Na+ | Mg2+ | Zn2+ | Cl− | Br− | OH− | |
ΔH | 1070 | 512 | 399 | 1952 | 2057 | 374 | 341 | 399 |
The strong interaction of the ion with the solvent is reflected all physicochemical backdrop of solutions of electrolytes. The classical electrostatic theory considers the i-thursday ion as a sphere with the radius ri with the accuse zie and the solvent every bit a medium with the dielectric constant ε = ε0exp(−Fifty ε T).
In this simplified approach, the electrostatic components of the One thousand, H, and S functions are the post-obit (e is the accuse of an electron):
Since many ions are present in a solution and they interact, this reflects both the ion distribution in the solution and their thermodynamic characteristics.
The reaction between two ions A and B is preceded by their meet in a solution. If the reaction is non limited by run across acts, then the experimentally observed charge per unit abiding k exp = K AB kc , where K AB is the equilibrium constant of ion pair formation. It depends on the properties of both ions (accuse, sizes) and medium (ε, ion forcefulness I). Comparing K AB in two solvents with εo(K AB o) and ε(Grand AB) and taking into account the outcome of the ion strength of the solution co-ordinate to the Debye-Hückel theory, for kexp nosotros obtain the expression
For K AB o Bjerrum obtained the post-obit expression:
where b = |zAzB|e 2/εo kTr AB, and r AB is the distance between atoms at their tight contact.
Ii important sequences follow from (6.55). Offset, the rate abiding of the ion reaction depends on the ionic strength of the solution and in dilute solution where I one/two r AB ≪ 1, Δlnchiliad exp ∼ I one/2, which is confirmed by a large experimental material. In the case of the reaction of likely charged ions, the slope of Δlnk/Δ(I 1/2) is positive (the ion temper facilitates the reaction); in the instance of the reaction between unlike ions, this slope is negative, and the higher the product of charges zAzB, the higher the absolute value of the tangent gradient. Deviations due to specific features of reaction mechanisms are often observed. 2nd, kexp depends on e in such a way that Δlnone thousand exp ∼ Δ(ε−i). In this case, the college the product |zAzB|, the greater the slope; for like charges the slope is negative, and for the unlike ions, the gradient is positive.
It is reasonable to consider the trouble about the equilibrium concentration of ion pairs in a solution from the signal of view of irresolute the thermodynamic functions ΔG, ΔSouth, and ΔH. Since dispersion and electrostatic forces deed between ions, and the latter depend on the polarity of the medium and concentrations of other ions expressed through the ion force, the equilibrium abiding of ion association tin can exist presented in the class
Correspondingly, for the components of enthalpy we obtain
For the activation energy, which is determined from experimental information Ea = RT(dlnk/dlnT), we have the expression [run into equation (vi.18)]
For the entropy contributions to ion association we obtain (Due south = −dG/dT at p = const)
(half dozen.55)
According to this, the pre-exponential gene
When the A ion reacts with the B molecule, the equilibrium association constant has the form
The considered above electrostatic models of ion interaction are, undoubtedly, simplified. Each ion is surrounded by the solvate shell, whose grapheme and sizes are determined by the ion, its charge and radius, and sizes of solvent molecules and such their parameters as the dipole moment of their polar groups, structure and sizes of the molecule. The solvent, its solvating ability, and the influence on the ion interaction are not reduced to the medium with the dielectric abiding east only. Similarly, the interaction of ions is non restricted past the formation of only the ion atmosphere: ion pairs, triples, and associates of several ions announced in the solution. Ion pairs, which tin be separated by the solvate beat out or be in contact to form contact pairs, also differ in structure. As a whole, the situation is more circuitous and diverse than its description past the classical theory of interaction of spherical charges in the liquid medium of dielectrics. The solvating ability of the solvent is adamant simply in part past its dielectric constant. For aprotic solvents, the power of their heteroatoms to be donors of a costless pair of electrons for cations is very pregnant. The donating ability of the solvent is characterized past its donor number DN, which for the solvent is equal to the enthalpy of its interaction with SbCl5 in a solution of one, 2-dichloroethane
CH3NO2 | C6H5NO2 | CH3CN | CHthreeCOCH3 | (CH3)2So | C5H5N | |
DN | 2.7 | 4.iv | 14 | 17 | 30 | 33 |
In protic solvents, the power of the solvent to form hydrogen bonds is of import in ion solvation. In mixed solvents an ion forms a prepare of solvates with various compositions.
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Optical Properties of Fluoride Transparent Ceramics
P. Gredin , 1000. Mortier , in Photonic and Electronic Properties of Fluoride Materials, 2016
four.2 Which Applications for Fluoride Transparent Ceramics?
Because of the highly ionic bond character, fluorides are remarkable materials for optical applications from IR to UV domain of wavelengths. Equally early equally 1887, Otto Shott, Ernst Abbe, and Carl and Roderich Zeiss take investigated the possibility to use natural single crystals of calcium fluoride for optical lenses, and the Carl Zeiss company proposed CaF two lenses for microscope objectives in 1937. However, the impurities in naturally occurring CaFtwo limited their optical applications, and synthetic single crystal growth methods were adult to produce larger and more pure single crystals. Since 1979, synthetically grown unmarried crystal CaFii has been used in some high-performance optical devices (camera objectives, telescopes, microscopes) due to its very depression dispersion in the visible and IR wavelength ranges. Thus, lenses fabricated from fluorite showroom less chromatic aberration than those fabricated of ordinary glass and are commercially available in high-end eyes such as those offered past the Takashi Inc. Unmarried crystals often require months to grow and very loftier temperature. Their product is costly and the exchange of single crystal by ceramic can reduce drastically the cost of the devices. This could only be accomplished if the transparent ceramics are produced using a low-temperature process from powder and not single crystal. Recent works seem to indicate that it is possible. Considering fluorides take wider optical transparency (190 nm–7 μm for SrFii and CaF2, for example) than most oxide materials, they are materials of pick for windows in the UV or IR regions. Melt growth methods used to produce unmarried crystals may not provide the scalability necessary to reach large piece to put windows in shape hands on the contrary of the processes used to elaborate ceramics from powders. Versus glasses for which synthesis processes allow the same advantages (scalability, facility to put in shape, cost), ceramics present the advantage of all-time mechanical and thermomechanical backdrop. Another field of interest for the fluoride is scintillators. For case, since the 1980s, BaF2, Ce:BaF2, European union:Ce:BaF2, or Ce:CaF2 as well as CeFthree are investigated to be used as fast and efficient scintillators for detection of 10-rays, gamma rays, and high-free energy particles. Today, Eu:CaF2 single crystals are commercially available for charged particle and soft gamma ray detection. The possibility to produce fluoride transparent ceramics opens thus the style for the manufacturing of circuitous devices associating pieces with different doping rates, for example, or/and large pieces with an interesting manufacturing cost. The last great field of application for the fluoride transparent ceramics is the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation application, which claim to exist developed.
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Atomic Construction and Chemical Bonding
P.W.G. SMITH , A.R. TATCHELL , in Fundamental Aliphatic Chemistry, 1965
Electrovalency—The Ionic Bond
In the formation of the ionic bail the octet is achieved past the atoms gaining or losing electrons. Typical electrovalency is most ordinarily found in compounds derived from elements situated in the groups adjacent to the inert gases. Thus a sodium atom (isouthward two,2south ii,2p 6,iiis 1) may lose the electron occupying the 3due south orbital, giving a sodium ion. The chlorine atom accepts the electron into the one-half-filled iiip orbital to give a chloride ion. Both ions now have the electron configuration of the nearest inert gas (neon and argon respectively).
A crystal of sodium chloride is a symmetrical close-packed organisation of sodium and chloride ions held together by electrostatic forces. It is important to emphasize that there is no specific link between these oppositely charged ions and there is no entity which may be regarded every bit being a sodium chloride molecule. The physical properties characteristic of compounds formed past electrovalent bonding are crystalline form, high melting point, h2o solubility and the ability of the fused salt to deport electricity. In organic compounds the electrovalent bail manifests itself in the sodium salts of carboxylic acids (R·CO2 ⊖ Na⊕) and in the salts formed from an acid and an organic base of operations ( thousand. methylamine hydrochloride CHthree· Hiii}Cl⊖).
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Plastics properties for packaging materials
A. Emblem , in Packaging Engineering science, 2012
Ionomers are unusual in that they have ionic as well as covalent bonds in the polymer bondage. They are made by reacting metal salts (unremarkably Na+ or Zn++ ) with acidic copolymers such every bit EAA or ethylene methacrylic acrid (EMAA). The ionic bonds act similar crosslinks between the polymer chains, resulting in tough, puncture resistant materials with excellent oestrus-sealing characteristics over a broad temperature range, and the ability to seal through contamination. Bonding to aluminium foil and paperboard is fantabulous. Ionomers as well have very skillful resistance to oily products, making them useful as rut-sealing layers for processed meats. They are also used in rigid course for closures. In that location is a big range of options from which to choose, the main suppliers in the packaging field being DuPont, under the Surlyn® make and Exxon Mobil under the Iotek™ brand.
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Dyeing with metal-circuitous dye
J.N. Chakraborty , in Fundamentals and Practices in Colouration of Textiles, 2014 Introduction
In dyeing wool with acid dyes, the ionic bond between − NH3 + and DSO3 − is weaker and as a outcome these bonds are easily broken and reformed under favour able circumstances allowing dye molecules to migrate. Stripping out of colour or staining of adjacent white wool during domestic washing remains a problem with acid dyeings. If the bail force betwixt dye and fibre tin can be remarkably enhanced – the dye structure can be made sufficiently larger – this nature of migration of acrid dye can be reduced or arrested. Metal-complex dyes are mostly acid dyes possessing chelating sites to enable these to be combined with metal atoms; invariably used for dyeing of wool, silk and nylon to produce colourfast shades (Shenai, 2002). The dye–metal complex – when produced during dyeing is called a mordant dye and when produced at the dye manufacturing plant – is called a premetallised dye. Structure every bit well every bit other technical details of metal-circuitous dyes have been reviewed elsewhere (Szymczyk and Freeman, 2004).
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