
How To Change Toyota Camry 2010 Glove Box Light Bulb

Hardlymoving repairs and flips Toyota Camrys and has written extensively most these dependable cars.


Having been pulled over and ticketed for a burned out parking lamp inspired me to write this DIY article. The pictures here show y'all how to supersede various burned-out light bulbs on the Generation four Toyota Camry. A chart shows which replacement bulbs to buy for which uses.

Ordinary bulbs tin be purchased locally without much difficulty. LED (Light Emitting Diode) long-life bulbs are easiest to obtain through the net. LED bulbs are more expensive but should last indefinitely and provide greater illumination.

On the other hand, yous should avoid expensive "high intensity" headlamp bulbs unless you lot don't mind changing these bulbs regularly—usually in less than a yr. They practise provide vivid white high illumination, but, as manufacturers admit in the small print in their disclaimer, they last mere hundreds of hours, vs. the thousands of hours of usage y'all would expect from a standard bulb. Moreover, the warranty time frame is less than a year.

If yous desire higher illumination, HID (Loftier-Intensity Discharge) bulbs generally put out 3 times more light intensity than element of group vii bulbs and, coupled with the anchor, will last longer. Installation is relatively easy and straightforward. Vendors provide HID conversion kits for under $100. These kits at one time cost hundreds of dollars but their prices take come down substantially.

Camry Bulb Chart

*To be added to article later on

Location Bulb Size Number Alternative Bulb Number Discussed in Department Beneath

Loftier- and Low-Axle Headlight



Parking Light



Forepart Turn Signal



Front end Side Mark



Rear Plough Signal



Tail Low-cal




Stop Light



High-Mount Finish Light



Back-up Light



License Plate Low-cal



Rear Sidemarker Light



Trunk/Cargo Area Lite



Instrument/General Light




Glove Box Light



Dome Low-cal



Step/Courtesy Lite




Lift open up the engine hood. In forepart, backside the headlight assembly, the wire connector to the headlight bulb should be clearly visible. Following the steps in the thumbnail pictures. Practise not touch the new bulb's glass surface with your hands. The oil on your easily combined with the heat from the bulb tin crevice the glass.

Lift open the engine hood. The parking lite / forepart turn signal bulb is recessed within the corner low-cal associates. You have to remove this assembly to gain access to the rear of the assembly that contains the bulb. The assembly is braced within the fender and the front grill and is held by a unmarried plastic pivot.

Ringlet to Continue

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Open the trunk. On the commuter'due south or passenger's side, depending on which corner needs replacement bulb(due south), remove the 3 (3) plastic screws that concord the interior plastic console over the corner light assembly. Lift away the corner of the trunk flooring covering and pull the plastic panel out to expose the corner lite bulb connectors. Detach the electrical connector and twist off the desired seedling fitting.

Open the torso. From underneath the rear window deck, locate the two plastic pins that secures the loftier mount assembly. Push these pins abroad from the metal deck frame and push upward. So, from inside the rear passenger compartment, pull out the high mount associates. Compression and pull on the male low-cal plug, then twist off (counterclockwise) the light bulb socket.

A extra pair of tail-light bulbs are recessed within the tail-calorie-free associates that is role of the trunk lid. Each associates (driver and passenger side) also contains a back-up low-cal.

Open up the trunk and remove the plastic pins that concord the felt roofing underneath the body. Only remove the pins that have a screw fitting for a philips head screw. After you lot have unseated the spiral, pull out the base of the pivot.

Pull down on the felt roofing to expose the bulb connectors. Twist the connectors counterclockwise to expose the bulb.

Open the trunk chapeau. Once the lid is open up, you lot can remove the license plate bulb every bit shown in the pictures.

The pictures in a higher place show you how to pull the 194 bulb out of the trunk light receptacle.

M. Musical instrument/Full general Lights

To replace one of the vii or and then bulbs in the instrument cluster, yous have to remove the instrument cluster itself from the dashboard, every bit shown in a divide article.

N, O, P: Glove Box, Dome, and Step/Courtesy Lights

Coming shortly!

This article is accurate and true to the all-time of the author's noesis. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does non substitute for personal counsel or professional communication in business organisation, financial, legal, or technical matters.


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