
How To Make Chickens Change Roosting Locations

Chicken roosts are a small just very important piece of piece of furniture that your chickens just have to take.

You have a bed to sleep on and your chickens have a business firm and comfortable perch.

It is non much for them to ask and it will go along them happy at night.

This article is all about the humble roost (or perch). Why do chickens need them, how to build them and common problems that you might experience.

So here we get, the complete guide to chicken roosts…

Chicken Roost

Contents and Quick Navigation

  • What is a Roosting Perch?
  • Why Do Chickens Roost?
  • Chicken Roosting Perch Key Data
  • Guide To Edifice Your Own Roost
    • Building Materials
    • Chicken Roost Ideas and Plans
    • How To Build Your Own Roost
  • Mutual Roost Problems
  • Summary

What is a Roosting Perch?

A craven roost is a place where birds regularly gather to balance or sleep.

If you lot ever notice wild birds you will run into that they have regular places (unremarkably in a tree) where they gather together at night. While you lot may non see or hear them y'all can notice them by walking nether the trees and finding the poop trail.

It is the aforementioned for our chicken flock.

They demand roosting perches to feel safe at nighttime.

While in that location may not be predators in the coop, the behavior is ingrained in chickens and they will naturally seek out a high spot where they tin can slumber.

When chickens sleep they line up together on these roosts.

The depression guys in the pecking order will be at each end of the line. These "end stop chickens" will slumber with i eye open up (literally) to stay alert for predators. They will periodically turn around to rest the other side of their brain. The chickens in the middle can shut both eyes.

A chicken'due south brain is capable of shutting downward 1 side at a time so they really can exist asleep but awake.

So when we build a coop for our feathered friends we must put in enough roosting bars for them to residual on and sleep on at night.

The acme of the roosts will depend on the size of your chickens.

Heavy breeds (like the Brahma) should take slightly lower perches so that they do non harm their feet or legs when they leap downwardly. Bantams beloved loftier perches since most of them fly very well.

If you have a mixed flock so you will need to provide perches at different heights to keep anybody happy.

Why Practise Chickens Roost?

Chickens Roosting

Chickens will roost to avert predators.

The highest members of the pecking order will seek out the highest chicken perches, while the lower ranking chickens will get the leftover areas. In the wild this makes them more vulnerable to attack every bit the higher upward you go the safer you are.

Nesting on the floor as well invites some of the smaller predators to take reward of sleeping chickens.

Rats for case volition nibble and bite toes, legs and backs if they are hungry. Ticks, mites and lice are besides found on the ground and they do not make for a comfortable nighttime'south sleep. These tiny parasites will hide in the straw or litter and come out to feed on the chickens at night.

If your hens are reluctant to go to roost at nighttime then in that location is a fairly adept chance you take mites.

You lot should read our complete guide to chicken mites.

Another matter to consider virtually chickens sleeping on the ground is that they volition likely be lying on poop or some sort of mess. Leaner in poop and muck is not the most germ-free identify to sleep.

Finally, roosting helps chickens to experience safe and this is important so that they tin can get a skilful night's slumber and be fresh for the day alee.

When a chicken is feeling poorly, or they are molting, they will sometimes take themselves off to a perch and quietly hang out until they feel better.

Chicken Roosting Perch Key Data

Rooster On A Perch

How Loftier Does A Roost Need To Exist?

Your perches should exist at least xviii inches off the floor while leaving plenty headroom for birds jumping or flying upwardly.

Heavier chickens should have perches at a slightly lower level (twelve inches) to effort and forbid leg and feet injuries.

Bantams honey to wing and then you tin can put the perches upwards high for them if y'all want.

Erstwhile or disabled chickens may need a perch that is much lower to the ground. A perch that is ii to three inches off the footing will be perfect for them.

If yous have a mixed flock and so you can vary the acme of the perches rather like a staircase or ladder configuration. Height wise in a ladder configuration you could have perches at 6, twelve, 18 and 20-iv inches. This gives your hens plenty of room and they can choose where they want to sit down.

What Should Roosts Be Made Of?

Y'all will find most pre-made roosts are made from plastic.

These molded plastics can terminal for years, they are easy to clean and lightweight.

Notwithstanding somewhen plastic tin warp or break and so unless it came with your coop so it is probably best to avoid plastic roosts.

The most common material used is woods.

It is long lasting, can exist well cleaned and is sturdy enough to concur several chickens.

The most commonly used size is a 2x4inch length cut to size.

Barn Roost For Chickens

How Much Roosting Space Should Chicks Have?

Each chicken will demand a practiced viii inches of roosting space.

While this number can modify from coop to coop and season to season, 8 inches is a practiced starting identify. If in doubt it is ever ameliorate to give them actress infinite on the perches and so that they can spread out and flap their wings without knocking their neighbor off the perch.

Actress large chickens (like the Jersey Giant) will need a little more room while bantams will need considerably less.

What Size Should They Be?

Your perch should be broad enough to safely and comfortably allow a chicken sit on their feet without having to do a balancing act.

Mostly a 2×four inch piece of wood laid wide side up is perfect.

Even large birds like the Bailiwick of jersey Giant tin sit down without wobbling.

When chickens settle down for the dark the merely exposed parts of their body are their anxiety and legs. When sitting on a two×4 they can perch quite happily on a stable base and sit down downwardly with their feathers covering their toes.

On thinner roosts your chickens will not be able to balance too and oft do not sleep well at all.

Thinner perches (such equally stout tree limbs) should only be used for lightweight breeds such as bantams. Intendance should be taken with these limbs to remove all possible splinters and rough areas to try and prevent Bumblefoot.

As far as the length of a perch goes the choice is pretty much open up.

Chickens like to roost together and so ideally they should all be on the same roost. With larger flocks (over half-dozen hens) this won't exist possible so you will need multiple roosts. If you are limited in terms of length by the length of your coop and then you can build a ladder type of perch where you accept several lengths of perch arranged in an ascending style.

In a ladder type of perch you can use the bottom rung for any disabled birds you might take.

Where Should The Roost Be Located?

Your craven roosts will need to be within the coop but away from the nesting boxes and feeding stations.

Ideally they will exist placed about a human foot to 18 inches from the wall.

If you lot have a ladder perch then the elevation rungs will residuum almost against the wall. This way you can place your poop boards under the perch to catch the overnight droppings of manure. Make sure you can easily access the poop boards to clean them off regularly. If they are not easy to access and then it volition get a chore that you really hate to do.

Guide To Building Your Own Roost

This short video shows you how chickens sleep on the roost. It should give yous some idea of how stiff the roost needs to be and what size you may need for your flock.

Edifice Materials

In that location is a huge variety of materials out there, but which is the all-time to use and why?

Metallic should not be used every bit it can be very cold in the wintertime and too hot in summer.

Plastic is pop with the ready-made coops just they tin can become brittle over fourth dimension and break.

My personal favorite though is wood.

It is an enduring cloth, easy to piece of work with and is readily bachelor. Y'all tin can used recycled woods as long as it has not been treated with toxic chemicals. Yellow pino wood is probably the nigh used wood in the The states. It is inexpensive and tin be used to build both inside and outside perches and roosts.

Chicken Roost Ideas and Plans

Chicken Roost Ideas

The get-go rules of building your roost is to build something that is comfy and safe.

Chickens practice not care if your pattern wins the Architectural Digest award of the yr – information technology needs to be practical.

What you design and build will depend on your coop and how many chickens you have.

The cyberspace has lots of ideas for roosting perches, though some are not and then practical so make sure to check each idea carefully. You volition observe designs on YouTube, Pinterest and Facebook.

How To Build Your Own Roost

If y'all have basic carpentry skills and a plan in listen you should be all set.

Make sure you lot mensurate advisedly for your perches as it tin can be very frustrating when you find out yous are an inch brusque.

Remember: measure twice and cut once!

If y'all are not good with things like this and then perhaps you can talk a friend or neighbor into helping out for a day.

Using fresh eggs every bit a bribe should cover it!

Common Roost Problems

Chicken Perch

There are a few problems that can occur with chicken perches.

i. Your roosts will need to be strong and stable.

If they are weak (or overloaded) they tin can actually snap. This can cause all your chickens to pile up on the flooring and can cause some injuries. The aforementioned type of thing tin can happen if your perch is not securely held in place.

2. Another mutual issues with roosts is that they are rough and unfinished.

This tin cause Bumblefoot and sores on their keel.

Bumblefoot occurs when there is a cutting in their skin and it is infected by bacteria. Splinters and rough areas on the perches can crusade this and as a consequence the foot becomes infected. Handling can be long and tedious and may require the prolonged apply of antibiotics, so information technology is all-time avoiding where possible.

Sores on the keel tin also be caused by rough areas or an uneven or bumpy perch. When the bird roosts, she will crouch downwards onto her keel and an annoying surface can cause skin irritation then make sure your perches and shine and fifty-fifty.

3. Tin your chickens tin easily access the perches?

Something to think about is whether or not your chickens and admission the roosts.

Can they fly jump straight upwards to them?

If there are obstacles in the style it tin can sometimes crusade them to land awkwardly.

four. Some hens will refuse to use the roosts.

This is a trouble that usually occurs with young pullets. They will need to be placed on the perches to show them where to sleep. You lot may have to do this several times. Having more than one roosting bar is very helpful here as the youngsters may not wish to exist next to the older hens.

five. Not enough space on the roost.

If in that location is not enough infinite on the craven roost then some chickens may refuse to apply the perch and bed downwards on the flooring.

Yous you will need to put upwards more than roosts to accommodate your flock.

6. Dirty roosts.

Ideally your perches should exist removable so yous tin can clean them periodically.

Nasty niggling critters (such as mites) love to hibernate in the nooks and crannies of the perches and so make sure you remove them every month to give them a thorough cleaning.


A roosting bar is a very uncomplicated yet essential thing.

Chickens honey to roost at night for safe. It is inbred in them and providing good sturdy perches that they can access for slumber is very of import.

With care and planning yous should be able to provide them with plenty roosting spots with a few to spare.

Surprisingly they do not e'er apply the same spot on the perch. Sometimes this may exist because they take moved upward or down in the pecking order, but information technology is non really known why they do not keep their roosting positions.

Building and plumbing equipment your perch is a straightforward projection and should have no more than a couple of hours.

Did you build your own roosts? Permit u.s. know in the comments section…


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